Destructor attribute inheritance, yea or nay?

Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri May 26 05:32:46 PDT 2017

On Monday, 22 May 2017 at 17:05:06 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

> Considering that the core runtime component - the GC - is the 
> one that usually handles finalization, it follows that *GC 
> collection can never be @safe*. And since collection only 
> happens during allocation, it follows that allocation cannot be 
> @safe either. Nor can they be @trusted, because destructors are 
> effectively not restricted in any way.

This program, executed on my machine:

>import std.stdio;
>class Innocious
>    ~this() @safe {}
>class Malicious : Innocious
>    int[] data;
>    this() @safe
>    {
>        data = new int[1000000];
>    }
>    ~this()
>    {
>        writeln("    Sure, here you go:");
>        writeln("      import std.random;");
>        writeln("      auto n = uniform(1, uint.max);");
>        writeln("      *(cast(int*)n) = 0xbadf00d;");
>    }
>void important() @safe
>    writeln("I am working here, i'm not doing anything 
> dangerous...");
>    scope(exit) writeln("I'm good, no, I'm awesome. You can 
> trust me!");
>    writeln("  Good GC, would you kindly give me some room to 
> maneuver?");
>    int[] storage = new int[1000000];
>    /* do some calculations... */
>void oblivious() @safe
>    Innocious i = new Malicious();
>    /* do something with i and then leave it for GC. */
>void main()
>    oblivious();
>    important();

prints this:

> I am working here, i'm not doing anything dangerous...
>   Good GC, would you kindly give me some room to maneuver?
>     Sure, here you go:
>       import std.random;
>       auto n = uniform(1, uint.max);
>       *(cast(int*)n) = 0xbadf00d;
> I'm good, no, I'm awesome. You can trust me!

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