TLS + LDC + Android (ARM) = FAIL

David Nadlinger code at
Wed Nov 1 17:46:29 UTC 2017

On Wednesday, 1 November 2017 at 17:24:32 UTC, Igor Shirkalin 
> Does new "-betterC" mean we may use parallelism with using 
> separate linker?

`-betterC` does not add any emulation of missing platform 
features — on the contrary, it *removes* language runtime 
functionality! Thus, if TLS doesn't work for you (IIRC, emulated 
TLS should work on Android following Joakim's work!), adding 
`-betterC` won't improve the situation.

Could you please open an ticket on the LDC GitHub tracker with 
details on the issue?

  — David

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