Project Elvis
satoshi at
Mon Nov 6 09:26:24 UTC 2017
On Monday, 6 November 2017 at 08:06:54 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> On Monday, November 06, 2017 07:10:43 bauss via Digitalmars-d
> wrote:
>> On Monday, 6 November 2017 at 00:20:09 UTC, Neia Neutuladh
>> wrote:
>> > On Saturday, 28 October 2017 at 11:38:52 UTC, Andrei
>> >
>> > Alexandrescu wrote:
>> >> [...]
>> >
>> > It's easy to write in function form:
>> > auto orElse(T)(T a, lazy T b)
>> > {
>> >
>> > return a ? a : b;
>> >
>> > }
>> >
>> > writeln(args[1].length.orElse(fibonacci(50)));
>> >
>> > This version can also be specialized for things like
>> > Nullable, where you can't necessarily cast it safely to a
>> > boolean but have a check for validity.
>> >
>> > Is it that valuable to have an operator for it instead?
>> >
>> >
>> > As an aside, I believe feepingcreature had a custom infix
>> >
>> > operator for this sort of thing defined, so you could write:
>> > (a /or/ b /or/ c).doStuff();
>> >
>> > The implementation (along with /and/) is left as an exercise
>> > to
>> > the reader.
>> Sure you might be able to write it easily, but pretty much
>> everyone writes a function like that in their projects and you
>> don\t really know the implementation always and you have to
>> remember the exact name or else you end up writing the
>> function yourself in your project to make sure the
>> implementation is exactly like that, which in fact turns out
>> to be re-inventing the wheel.
>> By having an official syntax for it, you don't end up with
>> code duplication like that and the implementation details of
>> the behavior is clear.
>> Because in some implementation "orElse()" might only check if
>> the value is null and not necessary if the value is true.
>> Ex. one might implement it like:
>> auto orElse(T)(T a, lazy T b)
>> {
>> return a !is null ? a : b;
>> }
>> Such implementation detail is not clear from the call-side.
>> However with an official implementation you know exactly how
>> it will behave and nothing is obscure like this.
> That might be an argument for having an official
> implementation, but it's not really an argument for why it
> should be built into the language; it could just as easily be
> in Phobos if that's all that matters.
> - Jonathan M Davis
You need additional import for this
verbose syntax
Why we have operators overloading when we could have Equals() and
stuff like in java?
Why we have arr ~= arr2 when we could have Array.mergeArrays(arr,
arr2) instead?
Look, this operator does not break anything. If you don't want to
use it, just don't, but why do you force everyone else to not to
use it, just because it is not adding anything "more valuable"
than just better syntax?
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