[OT] mobile rising

Dave Jones dave at jones.com
Mon Nov 13 20:22:21 UTC 2017

On Monday, 13 November 2017 at 11:55:59 UTC, codephantom wrote:
> On Sunday, 12 November 2017 at 16:02:14 UTC, Dave Jones wrote:
>> Jesus Christ you big pair of fecking babys.
>> Nobody argued it wouldn't be better to have 64 bit out of the 
>> box. They argued you were making a big deal out of something 
>> that just works for most everyone else. And yes you hate 
>> Microsoft, and windows, and visual studio, and the chumps that 
>> use that crap. Jerry hates you for something, i think i missed 
>> why, but he clearly thinks you're a bit slow. Oh and you 
>> played the I use a plain text editor card, cause that's what 
>> real programmers do. Real programmers use a DOS text editor 
>> and store shit on tape... i mean punch cards, punch cards are 
>> best. The kids these days with their fancy I.. D.. E..s, they 
>> are not real programmers, just monkeys with typewriters.
>> [...]
> Hey Dave..I still got plenty of more energy left, if you wanna 
> keep at it.

Hmmm, i get home to find eight messages from codebaby, he sees 
sockpuppets everywhere, snapping at every bit of bait I laid... 
says he'll ignore my whole comment and then replys to it another 
two times, LOL, a full on meltdown and then he tops it all with 
the equivalent of "come back and get whats coming to you.. I'll 
bite your legs off".


I think I might retire.

See what trolling is now? See the difference between someone just 
arguing with you and someone actually f***ing with you.

Probably not.

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