Time to move logger from experimental to std ?

Claude no at no.no
Wed Nov 29 21:14:57 UTC 2017

On Wednesday, 29 November 2017 at 14:32:54 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
> Hello, most of the changes made during the current year to the 
> std.experimental.logger package are related to the cosmetic 
> style. Isn't this a sign showing that the experimentation is 
> achieved ?

I tried deriving FileLogger class to implement my own log 
fomatting. I overrided beginLogMsg, logMsgPart or finishLogMsg, 
but I could not do anything with it because the handle "file_" is 
private (so I cannot access it within the derived class).

So I ended up rewriting my own FileLogger deriving directly from 
Logger and copying most of the Phobos version code, but that's 
not convenient.

Did I miss anything?

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