Just playing with compiler explorer to see assembly line count.
patric.dexheimer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 13:19:33 UTC 2017
//D compiled with gdc 5.2 -O3
auto test(int[] arr, int cmp)
int[] r;
foreach(v ; arr)
if(v == cmp)r~=v;
return r;
// 51 lines of assembly
auto test(int[] arr, int cmp)
return arr.filter!((v)=>v==cmp).array;
//1450 lines... what?
Ok let me look also at c++:
//gcc 7.2 -O3
vector<int> test(vector<int>& arr, int cmp) {
vector<int> r;
for(auto v : arr)
if(v == cmp)r.push_back(v);
return r;
//152 lines. more than D :)
vector<int> test(vector<int>& arr, int cmp) {
vector<int> r;
std::copy_if (arr.begin(), arr.end(), std::back_inserter(r),
[cmp](int i){return i==cmp;} );
return r;
//150 lines. That what i expected earlier with D.
Hmm. let me be 'fair' and use std.container.array just for
auto test(ref Array!int arr, int cmp)
Array!int r;
foreach(v ; arr)
if(v == cmp)r.insert(v);
return r;
//5542 lines... what??
Someone interested to discuss about this?
Or point me some grotesque mistake.
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