Should we add `a * b` for vectors?

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Sun Oct 8 01:02:13 UTC 2017

On 07.10.2017 09:24, Walter Bright wrote:
> I've got a lot of scar tissue from "compiler implementation difficulty 
> is not a consideration." I don't believe that is a necessary path to a 
> high quality language. Compiler complexity is a huge red flag that 
> something is wrong with the design of the language.
> The compiler implementation should be a joy to read and someone should 
> be able to read the spec, read the implementation of the spec, and go 
> yeah, of course, this is obviously correct, it's so simple!

I fully agree, my point was more that details of a specific 
implementation should not influence the language design (too much).

What should matter more is compiler implementation difficulty "from 
scratch", assuming all features that need to be supported are known from 
the beginning. We don't really need technical debt in the language 

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