Implicit Constructors
Q. Schroll at
Sat Oct 14 18:41:30 UTC 2017
On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 13:01:48 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
> On 10/12/17 7:57 PM, Q. Schroll wrote:
>> We have some sort of implicit construction already. Weirdly,
>> it's reserved for classes. Just look at this:
>> class C { this(int x) { } }
>> void foo(C c ...) { }
>> void main() { foo(0); }
>> If you put @nogc in front of ctor and functions, the compiler
>> tells you not to use 'new' in main while you actually don't.
>> Merely the compiler inserts it for you to complain about it.
> Not sure where you put the @nogc.
class C { this(int x) @nogc { } }
void foo(C c ...) @nogc { }
void main() @nogc { foo(0); }
It tells you not to use 'new' while you don't (explicitly, at
> What is likely happening is that the call to foo is lowered to
> foo(new C(0)). Indeed, using -vcg-ast proves it.
Probably. I don't care -- the compiler should not give me this
error message. I've filed a bug report, but I cannot find it
> The spec says it can put the class on the stack, but is not
> required to.
Exactly. It shouldn't work and doesn't. That's not the problem.
>> One could propose to extend the three-dots notation to
>> structs. I don't.
> The fact that this is not supported (it isn't, I tried it)
> doesn't make any sense.
It tried once, too.
> It's likely this hails from a time where classes had ctors and
> structs did not, and is just not a feature that anyone cared
> about or used.
> IMO, it should be extended for structs just in terms of
> consistency. But I don't think it would be a high priority.
That would be another consistent solution. Even if we had this
for structs, there is the @nogc argument not to allow it for
classes (the compiler inserts nontrivial things: the heap
>> I'd vote for deprecating the three-dots for classes. Did you
>> know it exists? Did you use it - like ever? Does anyone depend
>> on it?
> I'm mixed on it. I wouldn't care personally if it was removed,
> but it's a feature that may be used somewhere, and there's no
> harm in keeping it.
Even extending this to structs does not give you implicit ctor
calls. You can use ... only for the last parameter for obvious
reasons. It's completely different from implicit ctor calls. I
only mentioned that as it is the closest thing in D to implicit
ctor calls.
>> [snip]
> It's a neat idea. I don't see why we would need to remove the
> typesafe variadics to allow this to work.
You don't. I mentioned it as it is somehow implicit ctor call.
> It *really* would be nice though, to allow annotations on
> parameters. The @implicit(1) stinks. Would look much better as:
> proto_goo(int v, @implicit S s, bool b);
I tried that, too, and failed because of that. (I'd even assume
anyone would, because it'd be the obvious way to want it.) This
is another reason to allow that.
> Where you may run into trouble is if there is ambiguity (for
> instance 2 implicit parameters could match the potential
> arguments in different ways).
How? I only accept *one* parameter. Ctors with more than one
parameter are disallowed. One could allow those which can be
called with one parameter because they fill the rest with default
values. I didn't for the sake of an easier implementation. It's a
first sketch, a proof of concept.
> Another option is to not worry about tagging which parameters
> would be implicit, and go only on the fact that types in the
> parameter list have @implicit constructors when you call
> implicitOverloads.
There are two reasons against it.
1. implicitOverloads would search much more for nothing.
2. You'd add implicit overloads the author of the function
maybe wouldn't want.
You can think of my system as offer and acceptance. You need
both. @implicit ctors do nothing for themselves the same way
@implicit(1) does nothing if the targeted type has nothing to
offer. That's on purpose to make implicit ctor calls as
transparent as possible. Walter didn't want implicit construction
because it is non-transparent. Under these circumstances, it has
good chances to be accepted for Phobos.
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