karabutaworld at
Wed Oct 18 19:28:30 UTC 2017
On Wednesday, 18 October 2017 at 11:11:35 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
> On Wednesday, 18 October 2017 at 01:32:51 UTC, Ky-Anh Huynh
> wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 28 June 2016 at 00:36:31 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
>>> On 6/27/16 10:53 AM, Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>>>> On 6/26/2016 4:06 PM, Jadbox via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>> I have some old code here:
>>>> It has sig v2 signing and some s3 object related code.
>>>> Super minimal and sig v2 is out of date
>>>> (though still very usable, in most aws regions).
>>>> Ideally, someone would partner with aws -- there's a
>>>> developer tools forum -- to add D to the suite
>>>> of languages. I'm fairly sure they code generate at least a
>>>> large part of the tool kits from the
>>>> api definitions for each of the tons of services. Trying to
>>>> manage them all by hand is a loosing
>>>> battle.
>>>> I've been tempted to do this a couple times, but the time
>>>> investment would likely be more than I'm
>>>> willing to spend.
>>> I've started talking with a few of the aws sdk engineers
>>> (some of who I worked with when I was there) today about
>>> their sdk and the tooling involved. It might not be a
>>> horrible job to add another language to the mix. I'm going
>>> to meet with them and dig through some of the tooling to get
>>> a better feel for it.
>>> Later,
>>> Brad
>> Hi Brad,
>> Do we have any good update on this?
>> I'm writting my devops tools in Dlang now (Golang is too hot
>> to use, isn't it:D). It's a great win if we can have AWS SDK
>> support.
>> I'm not a master however if there is any thing I can help,
>> please let me know.
>> Thanks for your reading.
> Hi,
> for an inhouse project I developed a generator which generates
> based on the API definitions from here
> classes for the services and structures for the input/output
> requests.
> auto client = new AwsClient();
> auto dynamoDBService = new DynamoDBService(client);
> CreateTableInput request = {
> tableName: "zapp-test1",
> provisionedThroughput: {
> readCapacityUnits: 1,
> writeCapacityUnits: 1
> },
> attributeDefinitions: [
> {attributeName: "A", attributeType:
> ScalarAttributeType.S},
> {attributeName: "B", attributeType:
> ScalarAttributeType.S}
> ],
> keySchema: [
> {attributeName: "A", keyType: KeyType.HASH}
> ]
> };
> dynamoDBService.createTable(request);
> Actually the generated classes do not call AWS directly but
> uses the AWS console client.
> Unfortunately the generator is proprietary.
> The good thing is, it was easily written within 4-5 hours.
> PS. Almost every service was working out of the box except EMR.
> There is a difference between the EMR commands / parameters in
> the API definitions and in the AWS console client.
> Kind regards
> André
What's up with proprietary stuff in this? At least give us the
setup for us to generate the apis on our own if you have your
private stuff in there. I have been waiting for a D AWS SDK for
"years"... At least any cloud SDK. The generated api approach
seem like the way to go cus its a lot of work to build and
maintain a D API by hand.
I wanted to just do an S3 api plus some few services to use in
some of our microservices. We opted to use Nodejs because it
already has all the Cloud SDK for almost every provider.
Technically D is much better...
You know, cloud and microservices is the way to build any
"scalable" server-side services in 2017 yet it seem those using D
for server-side dev are still writing monoliths.
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