My first experience as a D Newbie
me at
Thu Oct 19 08:22:17 UTC 2017
On Thursday, 19 October 2017 at 06:32:10 UTC, Ecstatic Coder
> And the definitive answer about that is of course something
> like "Hey man, it's open source, it's all made by volunteers on
> their free time, so it must be complicated, what did you expect
> ?" and "Make all the changes by yourself if you don't like it
> the way it is.".
> Seriously ?
I remember myself saying the exact same thing back in the early
nineties...when linux and freebsd were just becoming
popular....boy...if you think installing dmd is headache, take a
trip back in time.
> OK, message received. If putting two download links per
> detected platform on the main page is too much work for the
> volunteers who maintains the landing page, so let's keep it the
> way it is. I have a lot of work and a family life too, no
> problem...
That's a great idea. Go create a website to specifically target
'DMD for beginners'. Become a contributor. Let others know what
you did, to make things work. Because that is the way..things are
most likely to get done, in the open source community... by
In the end, "..those that need to know."
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