My two cents
Arun Chandrasekaran
aruncxy at
Mon Oct 23 08:59:34 UTC 2017
On Wednesday, 18 October 2017 at 08:56:21 UTC, Satoshi wrote:
> [...]
The language for sure is huge and complicated and adding new
features will only make it grow bigger. I'm not saying we
shouldn't add any new features. It is important to have the right
defaults to gain the critical mass for the momentum to reach the
next level.
I've been playing with D and most of the times I look for the
idiomatic way of doing things in D rather than bringing my
Java/C++ baggage with it.
p0nce's d-idioms[1] is excellent, but is still not enough. We
should have more like it (and better).
Without the libraries like Boost and Qt, and ideas from books
like Effective C++ series, Modern C++ design, etc it was once
impossible for "humans" to write maintainable code in C++03.
C++11/14 improved it a bit.
D is brilliant in many ways:
1. has the best C++ interfacing
2. very easy to write and reason about
Found this gem when reading Phobos
import std.algorithm, std.range, std.stdio;
void main()
enum size = 500;
writef("P5\n%d %d %d\n", size, size, ubyte.max);
iota(-1, 3, 2.0/size).map!(y =>
iota(-1.5, 0.5, 2.0/size).map!(x =>
recurrence!((a, n) => x + y*1i + a[n-1]^^2)(0+0i)
.countUntil!(z =>^^2 +^^2 > 4))
Such code should be on the front page to "market"
3. human readable std lib (unlike libstdc++)
4. Some features are very well thought and well designed, but
some are not
5. TMP for humans
The community lacks language theory expert (purist?). (Rust
community has the maximum, if I'm correct).
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