D for microservices

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Thu Oct 26 10:47:42 UTC 2017

On 26/10/2017 11:25 AM, Adam Wilson wrote:
> On 10/25/17 23:57, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> On 2017-10-26 00:53, Adam Wilson wrote:
>>> This of course makes the assumption that we clean-room our own
>>> protocol implementations which I am entirely against. Better to use
>>> what already exists.
>> I'm entirely against anything that is not compatible with vibe.d ;)
> My apologies, something rather the other direction. Instead of forcing 
> compat with vibe.d, going to vibe.d and say: "here is our standard 
> event-loop, it has everything you need, you'll need to use it for all 
> the other goodness to work". I know others can make good arguments about 
> why the vibe event-loop is insufficient, and I'll let them make them. 
> (Something about not supporting GUI loops, paging Mr. Cattermole). If 
> that is really the case I don't see how being entirely vibe.d compatible 
> and meeting the universal standard requirements of Phobos is possible.
> There would need to be a requirements gathering phase so that the 
> community as a whole can bring their use-cases before we dove into code.

The problem isn't the event loop design.
Its a fairly solved problem.

The way vibe.d's works is very specific to their use case (which isn't 
wrong if you only consider them). You can't 'hook' into it. Which makes 
it very undesirable for Phobos. Since it won't cover most use cases. 
Even if the source they are using is compatible with an external GUI 
event loop (which it should be for Windows from what I've read).

So I wouldn't be starting with vibe.d's event loop model. Quite to the 
contrary, kill it. Build something that will last throughout the ages 
for everyone and put this problem to rest.

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