Note from a donor
john.michael.hall at
Thu Oct 26 16:34:54 UTC 2017
On Thursday, 26 October 2017 at 15:50:07 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> I am preparing a request for Microsoft to allow us to
> redistribute some of their binaries. Of course we want to do
> that only if deemed necessary (they are not available easily
> from their site etc). Any help building an exact list of
> requisites would be great. Thanks! -- Andrei
From the Installing DMD wiki
(, it recommends the VS
2015 Community for Windows 7/8 or VS 2017 Community for Windows
10 users. I have Visual Studio Community 2017 installed,
available from one of the links here:
One little trick in the wiki is that it says that you can uncheck
boxes to reduce the size/time of the download. It might be
helpful to know the minimum required to get D working and the
minimum required to get Visual D working.
It also lists an alternative to install the Microsoft build tools
and an appropriate version of the Windows SDK. LDC also refers to
the Visual C++ build tools, but does not reference the SDK. I
think the VS build tools replace the Visual C++ tools. The VS
build tools look like they have an option to install the SDK and
other stuff too.
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