Templates, D way

Void-995 via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Sep 5 04:08:57 PDT 2017

Hi, everyone. I'm pretty new to D and trying my first steps in 
it. Currently I'm trying to port some code from C/C++ with pretty 
weird data structures and don't like idea of making boilerplate 
functions for accessing sub-lists in main binary structure (lets 
not talk about it's design, it's from legacy thing I want to deal 
with and I can't change the format itself or writing a lot of 
additional parsing code). With hour I spent on trying I've ended 
with what you may see below, but I wonder if there is more 
pleasant variant of re-writing that template as I haven't found 
anything better in either books or online documentation yet:

template DataList(const char[] listName, T, alias dataOffset, 
alias listLength)
	const char[] DataList = format(q{
		%s[] %s()
			return (cast(%s *)(cast(byte *)(&this) + %s))[0 .. %s];
	}, T.stringof, listName, T.stringof, dataOffset.stringof, 

struct MyBinarySubStructAForA
	int someIntegerFieldA;
	float someFloatFieldA;

struct MyBinarySubStructBForA
	int someIntegerFieldB;
	float someFloatFieldB;

struct MyBinaryStructA
	int firstSublistMembersCount;
	int firstSublistMembersOffset;

	int secondSublistMembersCount;
	int secondSublistMembersOffset;
	@property mixin(DataList!("firstSublist", 
MyBinarySubStructAForA, firstSublistMembersCount, 
	@property mixin(DataList!("secondSublist", 
MyBinarySubStructBForA, secondSublistMembersCount, 


MyBinaryStructA *binaryData = cast(MyBinaryStructA *)fileData.ptr;

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