Toward Go 2 (or D needs to collect experience reports)

dimaria via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Sep 6 07:42:20 PDT 2017

The highlights:

> Our goal for Go 2 is to fix the most significant ways Go fails 
> to scale.

> Go 2 must bring along all those developers. We must ask them to 
> unlearn old habits and learn new ones only when the reward is 
> great.

> Go 2 must also bring along all the existing Go 1 source code. 
> We must not split the Go ecosystem. Mixed programs, in which 
> packages written in Go 2 import packages written in Go 1 and 
> vice versa, must work effortlessly during a transition period 
> of multiple years. We'll have to figure out exactly how to do 
> that; automated tooling like go fix will certainly play a part.

> Today, what we need most is experience reports. Please tell us 
> how Go is working for you, and more importantly not working for 
> you. Write a blog post, include real examples, concrete detail, 
> and real experience. And link it on our wiki page. That's how 
> we'll start talking about what we, the Go community, might want 
> to change about Go.

I believe that if we ever want to see D3, we should start a 
similar process and collect real world feedback about things that 
are annoying on a daily basis.
There have been many threads about "I want to have feature X" in 
D and of course legendary threads like the one about removing 
auto-decoding, but the aim of this discussion is to identify 
things that bother you frequently or prevent you from using D on 
a wider scale.
Please see Russ's post for good examples. Blog posts or reports 
on the wiki are very welcome.

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