I need runtime reflection
bitwise.pvt at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 17:32:06 UTC 2017
On Friday, 29 September 2017 at 16:40:38 UTC, Gheorghe Gabriel
> On Friday, 29 September 2017 at 16:24:32 UTC, bitwise wrote:
>> On Friday, 29 September 2017 at 11:05:00 UTC, Gheorghe Gabriel
>> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> If i compile this script to a .dll
>> DLL support for D is currently very spotty. Before investing
>> too much time, I would suggest confirming that DLLs are even
>> properly supported for your target platform at all.
> So, could you upload a copy of your own reflection module? I
> want to try it and then I will send you my feedback.
I'm reworking how properties/fields are set, and how functions
are called. I'm not sure how long it will take. I'll throw a copy
up when it's done.
Simple reflection is not that hard though:
ClassReflection[string] _reflections;
abstract class ClassReflection
Object create() const;
string name() const;
class ClassReflectionImpl(T) : ClassReflection
import std.traits : fullyQualifiedName;
static this() {
_reflections[fullyQualifiedName!T] = new typeof(this);
override Object create() const { return new T; }
override string name() const { return T.stringof; }
template registerClass(T) {
alias registerClass = ClassReflectionImpl!T;
export extern(C) ClassReflection reflectionOf(string name) {
ClassReflection* pRefl = name in _reflections;
return pRefl ? *pRefl : null;
class Player {
void speak() { writeln("hello world"); }
alias registration = registerClass!Player;
int main(string[] argv)
ClassReflection playerRefl = reflectionOf("main.Player");
ClassReflection missingRefl =
assert(playerRefl !is null);
assert(missingRefl is null);
Player player = cast(Player)playerRefl.create();
assert(player !is null);
return 0;
You can use __traits and std.traits to build whatever you need
into ClassReflection.
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