Deprecating this(this)
Nicholas Wilson
iamthewilsonator at
Mon Apr 2 00:25:52 UTC 2018
On Sunday, 1 April 2018 at 17:08:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> On 4/1/18 10:59 AM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
>> for 1. consider
>> immutable foo = ...;
>> immutable bar = foo;
>> to be
>> immutable foo = ...;
>> immutable bar = () {mutable _ = bitcopy(foo); _.__postblit();
>> return _;}();
> Negative. The problem is typechecking postblit itself, not its
> invocation.
Nit sure that I follow but, see comment below on your immutable
>> for 2. you would have to synchronize anyway for shared, it
>> makes no difference.
> Negative. Consider:
> shared struct Point
> {
> private long x, y, z;
> private Mutex mutex;
> ...
> }
> Task: define the copy primitive of Point so atomically copy x,
> y, and z using mutex. The problem is, the compiler will memcpy
> the three longs non-atomically before the user even gets a
> crack at intercepting the operation.
What I meant was:
Point p = ...;
auto pp = p; // bit copy + postblit = WRONG
Point pp;
synchronized (p.mutex) { pp = p; } // synchronised: bitcopy is
inseparable from the postblit
Perhaps there is a way to make that automatic / nicer to use?
> [...]
> int[] sneaky;
> struct A
> {
> private int[] innocent;
> this(this)
> {
> sneaky = innocent;
> }
> }
> void main()
> {
> immutable a = A([1, 2, 3]);
> auto b = a;
> sneaky[1] = 42; // oops
> import std.stdio;
> writeln(a.innocent); // ooooops
> }
> Sadly this (and many similar ones) compiles and runs
> warning-free on today's compiler. We really need to close this
> loop, like, five years ago.
How much of this class of bug would be eliminated by requiring
that `this(this)` be pure for assignment to const and immutable
objects? Arguably this(this) should always be pure in any sane
program. The only reason I can think of is if you're trying to
perf the number of copies you're making, but there is compiler
help for that.
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