[OT] Unity migrating parts of their engine from C++ into High Performace C# (HPC#)
rikki cattermole
rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Tue Apr 3 07:57:36 UTC 2018
On 03/04/2018 7:43 PM, aliak wrote:
> On Tuesday, 3 April 2018 at 05:24:02 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
>> Shame we don't have signatures, then we'd have similar functionality
>> only better!
>> https://github.com/rikkimax/DIPs/blob/master/DIPs/DIP1xxx-RC.md
> Is there an eta on this being submitted for consideration? Or has it
> already or?
> Cheers
No ETA, it is a major addition comparable to classes and I want to get
it right.
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