Deprecating this(this)
H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at
Thu Apr 5 18:46:25 UTC 2018
On Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 05:08:26PM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> AFAIK, the only real advantage to a postblit constructor is that you
> don't have to explicitly copy everything like you do when declaring a
> copy constructor in C++ - you just change the parts that need to be
> changed after the copy is made in order to make it a deep copy or do
> whatever you need to do to finish making the copy what it should be.
> As such, if we define copy constructors in a way that only requires
> listing the members that are actually going to be different from the
> default copy, then I really don't see an advantage to postblit
> constructors.
That's a very interesting concept. It could be a nice way of bridging
current semantics over to the new semantics. Some of the existing
postblit code might even be usable as-is, when reinterpreted in this
> Hmmm. And actually, thinking about that, I almost wonder if we could
> just change this(this) to be a copy constructor. Assume for a moment
> that inside this(this), we provide a new symbol that is the this
> pointer/reference for the original. We then have make it so that any
> member variable in the newly constructed object which is read before
> it is assigned is default-copied. As such,
> this(this)
> {
> }
> would just default-copy everything basically as it does now.
Why even bother with declaring an empty this(this)? Just leave it out,
and the compiler assumes default-copy.
> And if you currently had
> this(this)
> {
> _foo = _foo.dup;
> }
> then after the change, it would still have the same semantics, because
> the _foo is used before it is assigned, so it must be default-copied.
That's a pretty neat way of transitioning from current semantics to new
semantics. I like it.
> However, if we provide the object being copied via an invisible ref
> (like this) called orig, doing
> this(this)
> {
> _foo = orig._foo;
> }
> then that would directly initialize _foo without it being
> default-copied. As such, existing postblit constructors should
> continue to work, but it would be straightforward to turn them into
> copy constructors, and most of the changes would be underneath the
> hood.
I like this idea. Except the syntax could be improved:
this(this orig) // <-- N.B.
_foo = orig._foo;
Let the user specify the symbol, instead of introducing yet another
implicit magic identifier. :-)
"I suspect the best way to deal with procrastination is to put off the
procrastination itself until later. I've been meaning to try this, but
haven't gotten around to it yet. " -- swr
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