OT - Replacing strings with slices in C# - high performance improvement

Jack Stouffer jack at jackstouffer.com
Sat Apr 21 21:02:25 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 21 April 2018 at 20:54:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> I'm all for a string type and auto-decoding, so we can get rid 
> of auto-decoding for char arrays.

I've floated the idea of having the String type not be a range in 
order to solve this problem once and for all. In order to get a 
range from a String, you'd have to call toCodeUnits, 
toCodePoints, or toGraphemes, which would all be range returning 
member functions. That way, the user is in charge of the 
iteration every time, and there's no "magic" involved.

I might whip up a proof-of-concept of a String (without RC but 
with SSO) later when I have free time. It'd be useful in some of 
my projects.

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