Dscanner - DCD - Dfix ... Editor support or the lack of it.

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at gmx.de
Wed Apr 25 16:41:01 UTC 2018

Am Sat, 27 Jan 2018 07:54:37 -0500
schrieb Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy at yahoo.com>:

> If I had to write swift code without xcode, it would take me so much 
> extra time, because there are things you just aren't going to get done 
> without the tools. Swift's libraries are also vast and IMO confusingly 
> named.

Same thing with Java. Without an IDE you see ridiculously long
names and a lot of typing. But they do follow conventions that
are understood by Java IDEs. The dummy implementation of an
interface for example is always called <interface name>Adapter
and can be auto-generated. All byte streams end in ...Stream
and similar. This makes it easy to have mnemonics handy: "I'm
looking for an input, buffered, stream". So you type IBS,
auto-complete and the IDE expands that to InputBufferStream
and takes care of the necessary import.

Some languages are developed with IDE support in mind, but are
then limited in expressiveness and not editor friendly.


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