Found on proggit: Krug, a new experimental programming language, compiler written in D
jared771 at
Mon Apr 30 18:10:35 UTC 2018
On Monday, 30 April 2018 at 16:20:38 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> As a native Chinese speaker, I find contortions of this kind
> mildly amusing but mostly ridiculous, because this is
> absolutely NOT how the language works. It is carrying an
> ancient scribal ivory-tower ideal of one syllable per word to
> ludicrous extremes, an ideal that's mostly unattained, because
> most so-called monosyllabic "words" in the language are in fact
> multi-consonantal clusters retroactively analysed as
> monosyllables. Isolated syllables taken out of their context
> have no real meaning of their own (except perhaps in writing,
> which again is an invention of the scribes that doesn't fully
> reflect the spoken reality [*]). Actually pronouncing the
> atrocity above might as well be speaking reverse-encrypted
> Klingon as far as comprehensibility by a native speaker is
> concerned.
Oh yes, I'm well aware that there's a lot of semantic contortion
required here, and that as spoken, this sounds like complete
gibberish. I don't know where the monosyllable meme came from,
either; it's readily apparently from learning even basic
vocabulary. 今天, 马上, 故事, hell, 中国 is a compound word.
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