Implement a file system for use in embedded systems

Mike Franklin slavo5150 at
Sun Aug 5 05:53:20 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 18:24:28 UTC, B Krishnan Iyer wrote:

> I had some questions regarding the project and also needed some 
> pointers to get started with the project. Also, more it would 
> be great if more description of the project statement can be 
> provided.

The idea is to create something that can replace FatFs 
( for use in 
embedded systems just like you mentioned (ARM Cortex-M 

I don't think you necessarily need to be proficient in embedded 
systems to write such a project, as the file system could be 
persisted to anything from an SD Card, RAM, or a simple file.  
But understanding the limitations of ARM Cortex-M embedded 
systems will give one perspective that will add in making their 
design trade-offs.

I can think of a few things that would probably help anyone 
attempting to tackle such a project

1.  Get familiar with FatFs by porting it to an existing HAL and 
successfully read/write from/to an storage medium like an SD card.
2.  Buy a book on the FAT file system.  A quick search yielded 
(, but I have no idea if it's any good.
3.  Study the FatFs source code.
4.  Start coding and progressively work through your ideas, 
incrementally learning from your successes and failures.
5.  Begin asking questions


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