Give DLS a try

tide tide at tide.tide
Thu Aug 9 22:56:02 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 9 August 2018 at 13:02:47 UTC, Laurent Tréguier 
> On Thursday, 9 August 2018 at 12:42:45 UTC, Domain wrote:
>> I just give it a try in visual studio code, but I got errors:
>> [Error - 20:39:54] Starting client failed
>> Error: Unsupported server configuration {
>>     "command": ""
>> }
>> 	at _getServerWorkingDir.then.serverWorkingDir 
>> (C:\Users\Domain-Work\.vscode\extensions\laurenttreguier.vscode-dls-1.6.3\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\main.js:356:35)
>> 	at <anonymous>
> Now that looks exactly like the bug I thought I had gotten rid 
> of...
> The bug was that on Windows, the bootstrap program could exit 
> before the symbolic link to dls.exe was created, so the 
> extension was left without anything to launch.
> Does it continue like this after reloading VSCode's window ?
> Creating symlinks requires admin rights on Windows. In order to 
> do that I'm launching a powershell command to bring up the User 
> Account Control popup.
> I'm no Windows expert, so on some machines it could fail due to 
> some strict policy about powershell execution, or simply not 
> having the possibility to gain admin rights.
> I was thinking about working around that problem in the next 
> version; requiring admin rights for something like this is 
> obviously not really optimal.

Yah that's what I was getting. You should possibly find another 
way other than symbolic links. I don't think you'll get access to 
admin rights unless you restart VS Code with them.

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