Engine of forum

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+D at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 15:17:36 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 05:05:48 UTC, Neia Neutuladh 
> The dlang bugzilla and forum are both hosted on dlang-specific 
> servers. If they go down, it's easy to get a replica and get 
> back up and running in a few hours. Same with the wiki.
> If github went down or banned the dlang org, we'd lose 
> in-progress pull requests and the history of pull request 
> comments. Aside from that, we would be up and running on gitlab 
> or what have you in hours.
> If Stack Overflow went down, we'd have to find an alternative, 
> and then we'd have to figure out how to import that data. That 
> could take weeks. And it will happen eventually.

It is weird that you make loosing current and historical pull 
requests is minor compared to:

* Having all the data readily available for search engines to 
have archived (today, not tomorrow).
* Having an established forum/newsgroup readily available to 
handle the load of new questions.

I just don't see data retention and recovery for StackOverflow to 
be a concern for making such a choice. Even if it did take weeks 
or months to host the historical data, risk should be weighed 
against possible benefit from visibility and growth from heavily 
using StackOverflow.

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