Dicebot on leaving D: It is anarchy driven development in all its glory.
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Sat Aug 25 22:44:32 UTC 2018
On Friday, 24 August 2018 at 17:12:53 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> I got bitten by this just yesterday. Update dmd git master,
> update vibe.d git master, now my vibe.d project doesn't compile
> anymore due to some silly string.d error somewhere in one of
> vibe.d's dependencies. :-/
Welcome to my life with D for the past 2 years. You can not rely
on D as new features break old ones or create regressions. You
can also not rely on its packages, because new features or
changes break packages. Or packages that depend on each other
In the end, the answer is simply, you can not rely on D. Unless
you want to stick with one compiler version and write every
feature yourself.
Other languages also suffer from issues like this but they get
fixed so fast that in general the impact is rarely noticed. With
D you can be stuck waiting days or weeks! or spending hours
fixing it yourself. Again and again ...
So your time doing actual work is absorbed by constant fixing D
issues. Some will say that contributing to a open source program
is the cost to pay but when you have the choice between well
established and stable languages and D... That cost very fast
becomes: Lets use C/C++/Rust/Go/... And it is saying a lot when
young languages like Rust and Go gave me less trouble then D.
D has potential but this push for BetterC, better C++
integration, more DIPS down the pipeline... When is enough,
enough! It feels like D is more some people their personal
playground to push and try out new features then a actually well
supported and stable language.
You can play around with D at home or for small project but for
long term projects, where you bank your company's future on D,
you need to be crazy.
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