Dicebot on leaving D: It is anarchy driven development in all its glory.

Paolo Invernizzi paolo.invernizzi at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 09:31:35 UTC 2018

On Monday, 27 August 2018 at 01:15:49 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

It's simple, I went to GitLab to see the code of the tool, and I 
found the articles among the other projects of the author.

> I don't think he was very happy about the process around 
> DIP1000 but I am not myself well placed to judge.

The whole story is pretty simple [1].

 From my perspective, the request was to confine feature 
development into separate branch, to don't impact language 

Pay-as-you-go all way down, also for the compiler/rt/phobos 
codebase itself.

> I definitely think a stable version with backfixes ported would 
> be great if feasible.

The other way round: "keep it in sync with specification 
document, design set of acceptance tests and do all the 
development in a separate branch until is verified to both have 
desired semantics and don't cause any breakage in existing 
projects." [2]

I would like your opinion on that specific request, "keep it in 
sync with specification document" versus "bureaucracy" [3]

> I wonder if we are approaching the point where enterprise 
> crowd-funding of missing features or capabilities in the 
> ecosystem could make sense.  If you look at how Liran managed 
> to find David Nadlinger to help him, it could just be in part a 
> matter of lacking social organisation preventing the market 
> addressing unfulfilled mutual coincidences of wants.  Lots of 
> capable people would like to work full time programming in D.  
> Enough firms would like some improvements made.  If takes work 
> to organise these things.  If I were a student I might be 
> trying to see if there was an opportunity there.

That would great for the ecosystem, for the language... [4]

[1] https://forum.dlang.org/thread/o62rml$mju$1@digitalmars.com
[2] https://forum.dlang.org/post/o6fih1$2b14$1@digitalmars.com
[3] https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/8346


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