Dicebot on leaving D: It is anarchy driven development in all its glory.
H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Wed Aug 29 17:15:15 UTC 2018
On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 06:58:16PM +0200, Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 28.08.2018 19:02, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 08:18:57AM +0000, Eugene Wissner via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> > [...]
> > > There are still valid use cases where const should be "broken".
> > > One of them is mutex (another one caching). I have very little
> > > experiance in multi-threaded programming, but what do you think
> > > about "mutable" members, despite the object is const?
> > The problem with compromising const is that it would invalidate any
> > guarantees const may have provided.
> No. You start with the set of allowed program rewrites, then require
> code with __mutable to not break under them. Code using __mutable is
> unsafe.
Currently, immutable implicitly converts to const. If const is allowed
to be overridden, then you could violate immutable, which is UB.
> > Const in D is not the same as const in languages like C++; const in
> > D means*physical* const, as in, the data might reside in ROM where
> > it's physically impossible to modify. Allowing the user to bypass
> > this means UB if the data exists in ROM.
> >
> > Plus, the whole point of const in D is that it is
> > machine-verifiable, i.e., the compiler checks that the code does not
> > break const in any way and therefore you are guaranteed (barring
> > compiler bugs) that the data does not change. If const were not
> > machine-verifiable, it would be nothing more than programming by
> > convention, since it would guarantee nothing. Allowing const to be
> > "broken" somewhere would mean it's no longer machine-verifiable (you
> > need a human to verify whether the semantics are still correct).
> It is not unusual to need a human to verify that your code does what
> it was intended to do.
And it is not unusual for humans to make mistakes and certify code that
is not actually correct. Automation provides much stronger guarantees
than human verification.
Besides, this is missing the point. What I meant was that if const
could be arbitrarily overridden anywhere down the call chain, then the
compiler could no longer feasibly verify that a particular piece of code
doesn't violate const. The code could be calling a function for which
the compiler has no source code, and who knows what that function might
do. It could override const and modify the data willy-nilly, and if the
const reference is pointing to an immutable object, you're in UB land.
Not allowing const to be overridden (without the user deliberately
treading into UB land by casting it away) allows the compiler to
statically check that the code doesn't actually modify a const object.
You appear to be thinking I was making a statement about verifying
program correctness in general, which is taking what I said out of
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