The state of string interpolation

Mike Franklin slavo5150 at
Fri Dec 7 00:43:43 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 6 December 2018 at 22:04:13 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

> It's really not what's enabled (clearly, things can still be 
> used without string interpolation, and we can use mixins to 
> simulate close to what we would want).
> It's how one writes and reads code. The efficiency and elegance 
> is not to be ignored.


Of course, you are right, and that's what I was trying to say.  
"What language feature do we need, or limitation removed, that 
gets us what we want:  the ability to implement interpolated 
strings and potentially other features in the library without too 
much compromise on the efficiency, elegance, and expressiveness 
you would get if you implemented it in the language, and without 
turning D into a DSL".  That probably doesn't do it justice 
either, but I hope you get the idea and we're on more-or-less the 
same page.

Jacob mentioned AST macros (I knew that was coming, and even had 
a note in my first draft say "Sorry, Jacob, except for AST 
macros", but I deleted it :D ).  But Jacob is on to something.  
We already pass around symbols with `alias`.  Can that be 
extended somehow to pass around expressions too (i.e. expressions 
as rvalues)?  That would probably help address the issue of 
printing assert expressions as well 

Zodian mentioned eponymous mixin template at

H. S. Teoh mentioned using mixins as expressions at

As for myself, I don't see much value in forcing users to add 
`mixin` at the site of a mixin template instantiation, but 
there's a lot I don't see, so I may just be missing something.
import std.stdio;

mixin template Foo(T)
     T x = 5;

extern(C) void main()
     // Why do we need `mixin` here?
     // Why can't we just write `Foo!int;`?
     // It's already yelling at us with a ! operator.
     mixin Foo!int;

Simen Kjærås mentioned a few things when we were discussing ways 
to implement properties in the library at 
  There might be some feature to be added, or limitation removed, 
that will permit help both the string interpolation case and the 
properties case.

I know I'm just thinking out loud and not contributing much, but 
I can't help but feel that there's something common in all these 
ideas that just hasn't been identified yet.  And no, Jacob, not 
AST macros (Actually, that would probably do it, but I think 
we've already been there) :D


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