Removing Meson as way of building dcd, d-scanner, etc
Basile B.
b2.temp at
Fri Dec 7 10:42:53 UTC 2018
On Friday, 7 December 2018 at 10:03:36 UTC, ikod wrote:
> On Thursday, 6 December 2018 at 13:10:53 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
>> On Thursday, 6 December 2018 at 12:11:06 UTC, Russel Winder
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2018-12-06 at 10:54 +0000, Basile B. via
>>> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>>>> Do you use it ? Is it useful ?
>>> Meson builds are increasingly the way forward for builds in
>>> the GTK, GStreamer, and Debian milieus.
>> If i remember correctly the idea behind the addition of Meson
>> build files was to have some semi official packages for
>> D-scanner and DCD. Where are they ?
>> Right now I'm a bit angry because of the maintenance required
>> to support Meson. Usually i just don't care but today the CI
>> is broken for some reasons (i just know it's related to Meson
>> support. And this is not the first time.
> There was a problem with meson test build on travis when travis
> changed default python version. I solved it forcing install
> proper version via something like
> - pyenv install 3.6.0
This is slow and a waste of resources because (see later, about v
> - pyenv global system 3.6.0
> - pip3 install 'meson>=0.46'
> in .travis.yml
Yes this is what we will do as well. But not right now because i
suspect a regression, so this can be fixed in the next days.
Travis has definitively version 3.4.3 installed by default but
pyenv global system 3.4.3
doesn't work (i even tried to use a script that extracted the
python3 --version number, just in case of, and use this env var
in the pyenv command) and this didn't work, leading to think that
3.4.3 is either not detected by pyenv or their default setup is
not standard.
> Another problem is dependency, which I still didn't solve.
Package version is less convenient too (harcoded in file while
DUB uses the git tags) but this is part of the stuff i ignore and
i let the "Meson guy(s)" handle this when the build doesn't work
for them anymore.
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