The state of string interpolation
no at
Fri Dec 7 15:53:03 UTC 2018
Let me clarify my ideas:
The goal is to be able to implement string interpolation _with
nice syntax_ as library code.
The code we are aiming for is something like this:
int a = 5;
int b = 42;
string b = interp!"a is $(a) and b is $(b)";
What is possible today?
mixin template interp(string S) {
enum INTERP_RESULT = tuple("a is ", a, " and b is ", b); //
replace with code that generates tuple at compile time, based on
S and captured scope variables
void main() {
int a = 5;
int b = 42;
mixin interp!"a is $(a) and b is $(b)";
So what do we need to support our goal?
a) mixin as expressions
mixin template interp(string S) {
enum INTERP_RESULT = tuple("a is ", a, " and b is ", b); //
replace with code that generates tuple at compile time, based on
S and captured scope variables
void main() {
int a = 5;
int b = 42;
writeln(mixin interp!"a is $(a) and b is $(b)".INTERP_RESULT);
b) a way to refer to a symbol inside that mixin automatically
(Eponymous mixin templates)
i'm using 'mixin interp =' as a way to say this is an
Eponymous mixin template. But maybe it is enough to have 'alias
interp =' or 'enum interp ='.
like in normal templates: template ASDF(T) { enum ASDF = ...; }
mixin template interp(string S) {
mixin interp = tuple("a is ", a, " and b is ", b); // replace
with code that generates tuple at compile time, based on S and
captured scope variables
void main() {
int a = 5;
int b = 42;
writeln(mixin interp!"a is $(a) and b is $(b)");
c) (optional) a way to not require 'mixin' to be repeated at the
call site.
mixin template interp(string S) {
mixin interp = tuple("a is ", a, " and b is ", b); // replace
with code that generates tuple at compile time, based on S and
captured scope variables
void main() {
int a = 5;
int b = 42;
writeln(interp!"a is $(a) and b is $(b)");
A problem that might exist is that you can define multiple things
inside a mixin template.
but for it to be useable as an mixin expression only one does
make sense, so my idea was to only allow Eponymous mixin
templates to be used as mixin expressions.
Also i might be missing something totally obvious and this does
not work at all. But i think we should try to explore ways to
make implementation in library code possible _and_ pretty, before
we implement string interpolation in the compiler.
So looking at this enhancement request
(, i'd change this
mixin template fun(string body) {
mixin("auto fun() { "~body~" }");
to this:
mixin template fun(string body) {
mixin("mixin fun = (){ return "~body~"; }");
//or maybe: mixin("alias fun = (){ return "~body~"; }");
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