Current sentiment on Nullable.get
Sebastiaan Koppe
mail at
Fri Dec 14 23:39:16 UTC 2018
On Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 13:14:13 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
>> import std.typecons;
>> class C {
>> }
>> void main() {
>> Nullable!C c;
>> assert(c.isNull);
>> c = null;
>> assert(!c.isNull);
>> }
>> ---
> I don't see anything wrong with that code. It's exactly how
> it's supposed to work.
It is confusing, it doesn't follow the principle of least
> Right now, you can write a templated function that operates on
> a Nullable without caring one whit about what type it contains,
> and it will behave the same regardless of the type. Meaning
> that something like this
> auto foo(T)(T t)
> {
> Nullable!T n = t;
> ...
> auto bar = t.get;
> ...
> }
In languages where nullable/optional/maybe is more central, you
are advised to avoid calling get directly, and you are expected
to always map or foreach over it.
Essentially it is a range with 0 or 1 element.
> Nullable is often used simply to denote whether the variable
> has been given a value yet
Do you consider null a value? Because Nullable does.
auto p = Nullable!(int*)(someFunctionThatReturnsNull());
while (p.isNull) {
// never happens
int* p = someFunctionThatReturnsNull();
while (p is null) {
// does
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