named arguments (C++) - Something D could learn from

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Sun Dec 16 14:50:41 UTC 2018

On 2018-12-14 21:13, bauss wrote:
> In C++ you can achieve named arguments using templates and operator 
> overload:
> It's sad that D is still against having named arguments, but it's 
> possible in something that D thrives to be better than.
> I assume this is not possible to port to D because D doesn't do operator 
> overload in the same way C++ does, correct?
> I still think named arguments should be something to consider 
> implementing for D, but since everything requires a DIP and it's very 
> hard to write a DIP that's proper for such a thing then I guess it'll 
> just be a dream, forever.

Here's a simple version in D that doesn't require to declare a variable 
for each name, does not support reordering names:

void foo(int a)

void bar(NamedArgument!("b", int) b)

struct NamedArgument(string name, T)
     T value;
     alias value this;

struct NamedArgumentProxy
     auto opDispatch(string name, T)(T value) const
         return NamedArgument!(name, T)(value);

immutable NamedArgumentProxy na;

void main()
     foo(na.a = 3); // the name "a" here doesn't matter, it can be anything
     foo(na.b = 4); // this has to be "b", otherwise it won't compile

/Jacob Carlborg

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