Origins of the D Programming Language

fouad2400 radford08 at
Mon Dec 24 23:04:01 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 18 December 2018 at 15:11:50 UTC, anon reviewer wrote:
> On Friday, 30 November 2018 at 19:34:58 UTC, Andrei 
> Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Over the past few months, Walter, Mike, and myself have been 
>> working on a draft submission for the HOPL 2020 conference 
>> (History of Programming Languages).
>> The submission proceeds in several stages. Currently we've 
>> been through one round of preliminary review. Here is the 
>> current draft:
>> We'd appreciate feedback and additional historical details.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrei (on behalf of Walter and Mike as well)
> A final comment on historical details:
> In the section on uniform function call syntax, the last 
> sentence references recent proposals to add a uniform calling 
> syntax to C++, but the wording suggests that this is currently 
> a part of ISO C++, which it is not as the proposals have not 
> been accepted yet.
> Moreover, references to earlier proposals on this topic should 
> be given. In particular Glassborow (2004), "N1585: Uniform 
> Calling Syntax (Re-opening public interfaces)", was an early 
> formal C++ proposal that identified the need for allowing free 
> functions to be called with member function notation (albeit 
> using a special annotation using "this" for such functions), 
> and who first introduced (AFAIK) the term Uniform Calling 
> Syntax (UCS) that this feature is now called. (see 
> )

very last comment on historical details:

inside the phase on uniform function call syntax, the final 
sentence references latest proposals to add a uniform calling 
syntax to C++, but the wording indicates that that is currently 
part of ISO C++, which it is not as the proposals have now not 
been usual but.

moreover, references to in advance proposals in this subject 
matter have to accept. particularly Glassborow (2004), "N1585: 
Uniform Calling Syntax (Re-opening public interfaces)", become an 
early formal C++ thought that identified the need for allowing 
loose capabilities to be known as with member characteristic 
notation (albeit the usage of a special annotation using "this" 
for such functions), and who first brought (AFAIK) the time 
period Uniform Calling Syntax (UCS) that this feature is now 

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