Modern C++ Lamentations
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at
Sun Dec 30 18:13:11 UTC 2018
On 12/30/18 7:27 AM, John Colvin wrote:
> On Saturday, 29 December 2018 at 22:01:58 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> On 12/29/18 4:29 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Time to show off your leet D skilz and see how good we can do it in D!
>> Ugh, ranges really aren't a good fit for emulating nested loops,
>> unless you write a specialized one.
>> I tried my best, but it kind of sucks:
>> foreach(z, x, y;
>> iota(size_t.max)
>> .map!(a =>
>> zip(StoppingPolicy.shortest, a.repeat, iota(1, a)))
>> .joiner
>> .map!(t =>
>> zip(StoppingPolicy.shortest, t[0].repeat, t[1].repeat,
>> iota(t[1], t[0])))
>> .joiner
>> .filter!(t => t[0]*t[0] == t[1]*t[1] + t[2]*t[2])
>> .take(100))
>> {
>> writeln(x, " ", y, " ", z);
>> }
> Isn't "StoppingPolicy.shortest" the default?
Maybe :) I didn't spend a lot of time examining the details.
I also like your way, it's much more readable, but I still don't like
the joiners. There has to be a way to just store the three ranges and
iterate them properly, something like:
struct Triples(ZRange, alias r2func, alias r3func)
ZRange z;
typeof(r2func(z.front)) x;
typeof(r3func(z.front, x.front)) y;
auto front() { return tuple(z.front, x.front, y.front); }
void popFront()
scope(exit) if(!x.empty) y = r3func(z.front, x.front)
scope(exit) if(!z.empty) x = r2func(z.front);
bool empty() { return y.empty }
auto pythags = iota(size_t.max).triples!(z => iota(1 .. z), (z, x) =>
iota(x, z)).filter!(t => t[1]*t[1] + t[2]*t[2] == t[0]*t[0]);
Maybe split it out into something like withloop, maybe we can make this
kind of thing work:
auto pythags = iota(size_t.max)
.withLoop!(z => iota(1, z))
.withLoop!((z, x) => iota(x, z))
.filter!(t => t[1]*t[1] + t[2]*t[2] == t[0]*t[0]);
Which is really similar to the loop design.
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