Quora: Why hasn't D started to replace C++?

bachmeier no at spam.net
Thu Feb 1 12:04:11 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 1 February 2018 at 11:11:20 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 
> Idea: There should be some kind of news ticker for all 
> enhancements and important decisions, maybe at first just via 
> twitter  with a special #tag  beside #dlang where all updates 
> are announced. And a place on the homepage, where this feed is 
> displayed separately.

I had hoped the blog would be used for that purpose. Obviously it 
is not. From what I've seen, the D Language Twitter account 
mostly tweets to announce new blog posts. The subreddit is 
another place these announcements could go, but that seems to get 
little attention as well. The view seems to be that there should 
only be announcements of the really big stuff. My opinion is that 
it's better to err on the side of too many announcements rather 
than too few.

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