My choice to pick Go over D ( and Rust ), mostly non-technical

Boris-Barboris ismailsiege at
Sun Feb 4 22:27:27 UTC 2018

On Sunday, 4 February 2018 at 20:15:47 UTC, bpr wrote:
> Which benefits of C are lost?

Ability to interface with C using C header files of a target 
library\executable as-is. Being able to understand the interfaces 
your operating system provides, described on the language it 
uses, is a huge criteria to pick C for your particular task.

Close-to-OS\Kernel-space\embedded seems to me as the main use 
case for C. It is the main C's benefit - you can interact with 
huge code blobs that you cannot rewrite, because you speak the 
same language. D does not, AFAIK, offer C header parsing.

Stuff like 
... It all takes years to build all these tools and gimmicks. If 
you can't use\reuse them from D, you'd beter be off writing in C 

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