missing HexString documentation

Ralph Doncaster nerdralph at github.com
Thu Feb 8 19:09:21 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 18:49:51 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
> I wonder if it's an issue with how obj2asm prints it out? 
> Surely, that data array must be contiguous, and they must be 
> bytes. Otherwise the resulting code would be wrong.

OK.  I didn't even know about obj2asm until you mentioned it.  
objdump seems to work perfectly fine on the .o's that dmd 
generates, and I can tell that x"deadbeef" generates 4 contiguous 
bytes (objdump -D):

Disassembly of section .rodata.str1.1:

0000000000000000 <_TMP0>:
    0:   de                      .byte 0xde
    1:   ad                      lods   %ds:(%rsi),%eax
    2:   be                      .byte 0xbe
    3:   ef                      out    %eax,(%dx)

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