GSOC 2018 - no slots for D

Seb seb at
Tue Feb 13 01:51:44 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 01:20:57 UTC, Jakub Łabaj wrote:
> Seems like we didn't make it this year :(
> Is there any feedback from Google when they don't accept an 
> organisation?

Zero feedback.

> Do you think that maybe they don't perceive D as a viable 
> option or just the projects could have been defined better?

Well, Google traditionally has a bias for projects or tools that 
they internally use (e.g. gRPC or Python).
According to them they also try to prefer projects which have 
never been a GSoC organization and if you browse the list there 
are quite a few "no-names" in there.
In the end its a very subjective decision and imho the 
application was a lot stronger than in 2016.

Anyhow, I'm really sorry that we didn't get accepted this year. 
Sometimes one just has bad luck :/

To give the bad news positives ones too: I'm currently 
investigating to extend the Research Scholarships [1] the D 
Language Foundation offers to students of the UPB to all students.
Nothing official yet, but there could be a DLang Winter of Code 
if everything works out ;-)


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