How to represent multiple files in a forum post?

John Gabriele jgabriele at
Wed Feb 14 20:16:32 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 14 February 2018 at 18:33:23 UTC, Jonathan Marler 
> @timotheecour and I came up with a solution to a common problem:
> How to represent multiple files in a forum post?
> So we decided to take a stab at creating a standard! (queue 
> links to
> We're calling it "har" (inspired by the name tar).

Clever name. Har D har har {ducks!} :)

> Here's the REPO: and here's 
> what it looks like:
> --- file1.d
> module file1;
> --- file2.d
> module file2;
> // some cool stuff
> --- main.d
> import file1, file2;
> void main() { }
> --- Makefile
> main: main.d file1.d file2.d
>     dmd main.d file1.d file2.d

This looks handy.

Yes, it's easy enough in markdown docs to just put code block 
markers around them (such as ``` or ~~~).

Can the har file delimiter be more than three characters?

What do you think of allowing trailing dashes (or whatever the 
delim chars are) after the file/dir name? It would make it easier 
to see the delimiters for larger har'd files.

     --- file1.d -------------------
     module file1;

     --- file2.d -------------------
     module file2;

(Note that markdown allows extra trailing characters with its 
ATX-style headers, and Pandoc does likewise with ATX headers as 
well as its div syntax (delimited by at least three colons), for 
that very reason --- to make it easier to spot them.)

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