Congrats to D / Vibe-D -- techempower Round 15

Petar Petar
Fri Feb 16 00:01:35 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 15 February 2018 at 20:59:53 UTC, Ali wrote:
> On Thursday, 15 February 2018 at 20:43:41 UTC, Daniel Kozak 
> wrote:
>> Unfortunately they have use wrong results.  They have selected 
>> run from 31.1.2018. But If they use the other one from 
>> february, it would be better. But still is nice
> Can you post the numbers from Feb, for us here? :)

My guess is that newer results can be found here:

(Sorry for not posting the exact results, but I'm on the phone. I 
think we need to run some of their scripts to generate a nice 
graph from the json.)

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