What don't you switch to GitHub issues
3di at gm.com
Thu Jan 4 05:28:40 UTC 2018
On Tuesday, 2 January 2018 at 16:32:50 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 09:57:08AM +0000, Patrick Schluter via
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> On Monday, 1 January 2018 at 18:32:37 UTC, Pjotr Prins wrote:
> [...]
>> > I am just going to share my thoughts a little. Github, in my
>> > opinion, is hype and even though I depend on it today, I am
>> > trying to decrease that dependency. We should build a world
>> > that is not dependent on single companies. I am not
>> > downplaying what github has done for us (I am one of the
>> > early users) - but they have just become a little too
>> > important for free software to be comfortable. The github
>> > issue tracker is wanting anyway.
>> >
>> > D is a great language. I just spent 6 months in C++ and the
>> > last month worked on a D multi-threaded project again. I'll
>> > blog about this soon, but the short of it is that I am very
>> > grateful to Walter, Andrei, Kai, Ian, Johan and others for
>> > creating a language that fits our needs so well! D software
>> > is doing critical work around the world every second. D is
>> > probably not a language for the hype community - let them
>> > have Go and Rust. I honestly don't care. And D should not
>> > care. Great programmers gyrate to powerful languages and
>> > toolboxes. I love I can read the source code of Phobos and
>> > understand it. I love I get low level access to stack
>> > variables. I love I can manipulate the heap in any way I
>> > want. I love we can target GPU and KNL. I love we have Maybe
>> > even though it is called Nullable...
>> >
>> > A great programmer can handle D fine. As it is. Let's not
>> > try to be the next hype. Let's keep writing great software.
>> >
>> +10000
> +10000 * 2
> T
To clarify, I too like D. It is certainly very pleasant to work
with. This post wasn't about GitHub issues vs Bugzilla. That was
a get-off-at-a-tangent topic. This post is about what's needed
for a more mature D; mature enough for extremely big companies to
build bigger and more critical parts of their tech stacks in D
(this *is* a huge investment)! The goal is never about making D a
hype language.
I agree, a great programmer can handle anything, not just D as it
is, but that's never an excuse to be complacent, it's never an
excuse not aim for a higher quality in the D compiler and the
infrastructure. Hope you understand.
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