What don't you switch to GitHub issues

codephantom me at noyb.com
Thu Jan 4 11:29:20 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 07:47:41 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> It all comes down to who's doing the actual work vs. who's just 
> telling others what they think they should be doing, which 
> rarely, if ever, works.

I think that view really needs to be challenged.

Those who might be willing to contribute are probably not sitting 
around waiting for someone to tell them what to do. On the other 
hand, there may be legitmate reasons why they are not just 
getting involved and doing things.

I suspect, and I could be wrong, that a lack of clear process 
could be a matter of concern. I also suspect, and I could be 
wrong, that working out where best to exert their effort is not 
as simple as just finding something that interest them.

I also expect, that not everyone using D, or using these forums, 
need to be, or are equipped to be, contributors to resolving D's 
bugs. Such people should still feel free to express their 
concerns, without being told that they should go and do something.

Software quality is more important than ever, as it can impact us 
in dramatic ways these days. D needs to have quality assurance 
process in place to ensure that D's repository of bugs are 
appropriately being assessed, categorised, prioritised, and 
actioned - and this needs to evident to all. Then and only then, 
wil willing contributors be better positioned to make decisions 
about where to exert their effort.

I see this a problem for the D Foundation to address, and not 
something left up to the randomness of the open source 
development model.

btw. (although I don't see this as 'the' solution)... I do like 
this idea of labeling stuff more clearly.. 

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