Dll support: testers needed
Benjamin Thaut
code at benjamin-thaut.de
Sun Jan 7 10:12:00 UTC 2018
Am 07.01.2018 um 03:57 schrieb rikki cattermole:
> +infinity
> Few things I would like answered:
> - Why -useShared and not -fPIC?
> - If -useShared why not use it on *nix to turn on -fPIC?
Because the DIP says that -useshared and -fPIC are loosley comparable.
This does not mean that they are the same or interchangeable. In fact
they are not. On linux when building a executable that uses a shared
library -fPIC is not neccessary, unless your distribution requires
position independend code everywhere. On windows on the other hand you
will need to pass -useshared when building a executable that uses shared
> - Why isn't DllIsUsedFromC.no automatically detected?
Because its not possible. I don't know of any way to detect wether a dll
is loaded by a c-executable or d-executable. As a result the user has to
specify it. The main problem here is that currently D Dlls hijack all
threads. This is neccessary because currently there is no shared version
of phobos, so the information about the threads can't be shared between
multiple D dlls. One possibility would also be to remove the thread
hijacking alltogether and require the user to manually add threads that
have been created from C. This is also the current state on linux if I'm
not mistaken. But doing so would break backwards compatibility.
> Regarding C-runtime, yes we need to distribute every version that we
support on Windows. The compiler will pick the latest (or the installer
I guess) to use, but we should be able to switch between them. Either
that or we ship a static lib of Phobos to be linked into a dll upon
first request of a specific C-runtime.
That really is a problem I'm not going to solve. It is more a problem of
distributing dmd and building the installer which is beyond the scope of
my current PR.
Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut
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