Tuple DIP
karabutaworld at gmail.com
Sat Jan 13 19:43:48 UTC 2018
On Friday, 12 January 2018 at 22:44:48 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> As promised [1], I have started setting up a DIP to improve
> tuple ergonomics in D:
> https://github.com/tgehr/DIPs/blob/tuple-syntax/DIPs/DIP1xxx-tg.md
> This DIP aims to make code like the following valid D:
> ---
> auto (a, b) = (1, 2);
> (int a, int b) = (1, 2);
> ---
> ---
> foreach((sum, diff); [(1, 2), (4, 3)].map!((a, b) => (a + b, a
> - b)))
> {
> writeln(sum, " ", diff);
> }
> /+ prints:
> 3 -1
> 7 1
> +/
> ---
> Before going ahead with it, I'd like some preliminary community
> input:
> - I'm not yet completely satisfied with the DIP.
> (See section "Limitations".)
> Please let me know suggestions or further concerns you might
> have.
> - There are good example use cases missing. While I'm confident
> I could
> invent a few of them given a little time, I thought maybe I
> can
> expedite the process and make the point more convincingly by
> asking
> for use cases you encountered in your own code. The DIP
> already
> contains an example due to bearophile.
> [1] https://forum.dlang.org/post/or625h$2hns$1@digitalmars.com
When I raised this feature for D, suggestions on the use of ()
instead of {} got me concerned. All languages that I know to have
this feature (known as destructuring) use curly braces. Thats
what kotlin and JavaScript (that I know have support) use. Let's
not be Rust that goes with different syntax without any technical
advantage. curly braces are more common (So to speak).
auto (name, email) = fetchUser();
auto {name, email} = fetchUser();
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