Please provide a channel for D ecosystem ideas

Andre Pany andre at
Sat Jan 20 20:37:45 UTC 2018


the GSOC wiki page inspired me to write this request. If I have 
an idea how the improve the D ecosystem but cannot do it myself, 
there is at the moment no good channel to provide this idea to 
someone other in the D community. Maybe someone other is 
searching for an opportunity to help the D ecosystem but does not 
know how.

- Implement support for D in another tool: E.g. it would be great 
if someone could create a Jenkins D plugin similar to

- Maybe you do not even have to develop something but convince 
other projects / companies to integrate D into their tools: 
Fortify, Sonatype OSS, Cloud Foundry, ...

- Implement something in D

It would be really great if there would be a place someone can 
easily put an idea and other can see the ideas and can pick one.

The channel could be a new group "Ecosystem projects" in the 
forum, a Trello board, ...
My preference would be a github repository with an issue per idea.

What do you think?

Kind regards

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