Please provide a channel for D ecosystem ideas

JN 666total at
Tue Jan 23 09:13:40 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 20 January 2018 at 20:37:45 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
> Hi,
> the GSOC wiki page inspired me to write this request. If I have 
> an idea how the improve the D ecosystem but cannot do it 
> myself, there is at the moment no good channel to provide this 
> idea to someone other in the D community. Maybe someone other 
> is searching for an opportunity to help the D ecosystem but 
> does not know how.

In the past, dsource used to serve this purpose. It was during 
the Tango vs Phobos times, but there were so many projects being 
born, each project had a separate webforum where people could 
discuss stuff. I feel like we are missing something now. Gtkd has 
its own forums, vibed has its own, most other projects are on 
github where discussion is hidden behind issues section.

I think wiki could work, or just a subsection of this forum here.

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