Dscanner - DCD - Dfix ... Editor support or the lack of it.
r.schuett.1987 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 21:59:51 UTC 2018
On Thursday, 25 January 2018 at 15:20:15 UTC, Benny wrote:
> After months doing a different project, i need a programming
> language for a new client with specific needs. D comes to mind.
> As usual that involves downloading the compiler (dmd and ldc).
> So, lets install Visual Studio Code:
> * Code-D Plugin:
> - Syntax highlight *check*
> - After saving: DMD error suggestions in the code. *check*
> - Limited name suggestion ( VSC functionality not the plugin
> ) only by forcing VSC (ctrl+space).
> - ... and nothing else...
> So lets try the next plugin:
> * Serve-D Plugin:
> - Syntax highlight *check*
> - After saving: DMD error suggestions in the code. *check*
> - Limited name suggestion ( VSC functionality not the plugin
> ) only by forcing VSC (ctrl+space).
> - ... and nothing else...
> Frustration level increasing. Lets try the next one:
> * D-Language Plugin:
> - Syntax highlight *check*
> - Limited name suggestion ( VSC functionality not the plugin
> ) only by forcing VSC (ctrl+space).
> - ... and nothing else...
> Ok ... so Visual Studio Code its Dscanner, DCD, Workspace-d do
> not properly work or some other issue.
> Then lets try IntelliJ Community Edition. After a long time
> getting all the dependancies and compiling them... Dscanner -
> DCD ( client and server ) - Dfix ...
> * D Language Plugin:
> - Syntax highlight *check*
> - Way too many items like writefln, import etc all being
> marked as unknown. Clearly wrong.
> - ... and nothing else...
> - Socket error (std.socket.xxx) on closing IntelliJ
> Conclusion is that it feels like the whole D infrastructure is
> very, very poorly supported.
> Other issues like delays that some of the D plugins seem to
> introduce:
> * Like "loading ..." popups that do nothing but always show up
> ( Visual Studio Code )
> * Like pressing "dot" expecting a response, waiting 2 seconds
> and then finally something happening ( IntelliJ plugin ) but
> simply dumping every possible name and variable ( zero
> intelligent code support )
> I assume that this is again broken DCD or Dscanner.
> And no, no errors in the console of VSC or anything like that.
> Let me summarize my personal D editor experience in the last 1+
> year.
> * Attempts at getting D editor support going: 6 or 7.
> * Amount of times things worked out of the box. One! And this
> was limited to about a few minutes and after that all
> suggestions broke again.
> * Amount of times dscanner or dcd or other plugins broke
> because of DMD newest version broke: 4
> * Tested on different machines: 4! They all have one thing in
> common: Windows 10
> * Tested on different Windows installations: 3
> * Tested on different "version" of Windows 10: 3
> * Amount of times complaining to the plugin authors: Too many
> to count.
> * Time spend on these tests / issues: Easily 50 hours or more.
> * Frustration level: Again, like each time before EXTREME!
> Please do not give me the company line that i need to report
> issues. I did so many times. It is tiring playing guinea pig,
> complaining and reporting, waiting for things to get fixed and
> still seeing things break again or simply not working properly.
> I can download Go, C#, C, C++, Delphi, Rust and get proper
> working plugins for the above mentioned editors but D is always
> that frustrating problem child. And i can not blame the plugin
> authors because the issues always seem to stem from the D
> plugins ( dcd, dscanner, ... ).
> Like dscanner changing its binary location between builds from
> folder root to /bin folder, breaking the plugin authors there
> system as it expected it in the folder root.
> Maybe things work great in a few very specific editor but in my
> personal experience, D its editor support is non stop
> frustrating. And i suspect that this complaint is not new.
> Clearly there is infrastructure in place for automated testing
> the compiler but it feels like there is a total lack of
> infrastructure for everything that surround it. Beyond maybe a
> few editors that the core team uses?
> My personal opinion: Too much in the D landscape is so
> individualist and not properly cross platform tested, that it
> results in pure frustration for the end developer.
You are not alone. The existing D-Tools are either really bad or
do not work propely/not out of the box. And I have more important
things to do than trying to setup the tools. Maybe someone likes
that, but not me. But I have to say that I've used more or less
successfully Visual-D and Mono-D a few years ago. But neither of
the tools can keep up in any way with Tools for
Rust/C++/C#/Java/PHP. The existence of a good IDE which works out
of the box without annoying setup procedures is crucial for the
success of a language nowadays. That's one of the reason why I've
moved on. I went back to C++ and nowadays to Rust. C++ is not
that clean as D but the Tool support is crucial for anyone who
wants to use the language for other than some hobby stuff.
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