Weird bugs in DMD 2.81.0

solidstate1991 laszloszeremi at
Sat Jul 14 01:27:03 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 00:58:08 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
> I found a temporary workaround. Basically I just save the 
> content of the AA, then reapply it after the application's 
> constructor finished, before that it always generated an 
> exception when I tried to check its content e.g. via printing 
> it to the screen. The program still crashes when I close it, 
> and it seems like it's something GC related, which will be 
> extremely hard to reproduce. I'm going to make a commit soon to 
> Github (maybe even an alpha release), so people can check it 
> out for themselves.

The AA issue still happens when I disable the GC.

What happens if I accidentally write into the memory space of an 
AA? Might be a pointer-overflow related issue I messed up, which 
will be a hell of a ride to find.

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