opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

Ivan Kazmenko gassa at mail.ru
Wed Jul 18 22:07:37 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 15:13:24 UTC, rikki cattermole 
> On 19/07/2018 3:03 AM, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
>> That's by DMD32 on Windows.  (Sorry, my DMD64 broke after 
>> upgrading Visual Studio to 2017, and I failed to fix it right 
>> now.  Anyway, it's not like x86_64 uses a different set of 
>> general purpose floating-point hardware, right?)
> Boy do I ever have some bad news for you!
> SSE for 64bit and x87 for 32bit, as per run.dlang.org.

Wow, thanks!

As per https://run.dlang.io/, it's fast for float and double, but 
slow for reals (which are 80 bits and don't fit into the fancy 
instructions you mention).  Unfortunately, it fails to compile 
with -m32, but anyway, point taken.

As an aside, learning something new after virtually every post is 
why I love the D forum/newsgroup.

Ivan Kazmenko.

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